"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it."

~Mary Oliver

what’s happening

  • Speaking Christian - Book Groups

    Let’s read, listen, learn and share insights and wonderings with one another.

    Marilyn Benson will facilitate conversation about the book, Speaking Christian: Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and Power — and How They Can Be Restored, by Marcus Borg.

    Mondays, May 6 & 20, June 3 & 17

    Daytime group 10 AM– Noon
    Evening group 6:30-8:30 PM

  • Pray. Process. Party.

    UCC + Methodist + Lutheran + Catholic + Episcopal =
    Christian Unity at its best.

    Sunday, May 26, is “Trinity Sunday.” After our own worship service, we will join together with four neighborhood churches, celebrating the Trinity in three ways: we will pray, we will process to College Park, and we will party!

    At 12 Noon, we’ll gather for a short prayer service at Centennial UMC. Then we’ll walk to College Park, processing with music and banners. Once at the park, we’ll enjoy games, music, a bouncy house for kids, and ecumenical connections.
    BYOpicnic or lunch.

    Let’s have a strong UCC showing!

  • AGING parents - support group

    If you are navigating the complex realities of an aging parent (or parent-in-law or step-parent), you are not alone. Gather with other SAPUCCers to give and receive support, have honest conversation, and share resources.

    The support group, facilitated by Pastor Victoria, will meet every other Saturday morning, 10:00-11:30 AM in the Parlor, April 20, May 4, May 18, June 1.

    Attend as often as you’d like.

  • Strengthen the church - special offering

    The “Strengthen the Church” Offering reflects the commitment of all settings of the United Church of Christ to cooperatively build up the UCC. The funds raised support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations as we work to become a multi-cultural/multi-racial, accessible-to-all Christian movement.

    We will receive this special offering throughout the month of May. If you are interested and able to contribute, make checks payable to SAPUCC with “Strengthen the Church” in the memo OR donate on-line via sapucc.org. Thankyou.